新西兰大部分Animal Control & SPCA 的联系方式
日期:2017-09-25 14:47:21 阅读: 来源:
以下是NZ所有Animal Control Service Ltd. & SPCA 的联系方式,以字母顺序排列. (Animal Control Locations in alphabetical order. )
Auckland City Council (dogs only)
Shelter Address: C/o Redvale Boarding Kennels, Wilks Rd, Redvale, Auckland. (North of Albany)
Hours: 8.30 - 4.30 weekdays; 10:00 - 12:00(noon) Sat, Sun & Public Holidays
Phone 360 0750, 24 hours a day.
PO Box 6575, Wellesley St, Auckland.
Office only location: 24 Spring St Auckland Dogs always available for adoption
Carterton District Council
Animal and Dog Pound (no cats): Dalefield Rd, Carterton.
Hours: Open by appointment during office hours, or by contacting the Animal Control Officer.
Phone: 06 379 6626 or 021 664533
Postal: Carterton District Council, PO Box 9 Carterton.
Website: www.cdc.govt.nz
Email: robert@cdc.govt.nz
Clutha District Council
Balclutha Office 03 418 1350
Milton Service Centre 03 417 8109
Lawrence Service Centre 03 485 9909
Tapanui Service Centre 03 204 8306
Balclutha Info Centre 03 418 0388
After hours Freephone 0800 80 1350
Website: www.cluthadc.govt.nz
Clutha Animal Control Pages
Dogs for adoption
Christchurch City Council
Animal Control Section, 10 Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch.
Phone: 941-8666
Email: Animal.Control@ccc.govt.nz
Dunedin City Council (only dogs, no cats)
Dunedin City Council Dog Pound is contracted and run by the SPCA.
It is for dogs only and is situated in Torridon St. Opoho.
Far North District Council
Animal Control Offices in Broadway, Kaikohe and Redan Road, Kaitaia.
Hours: Offices are open from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Phone 0800 920 029
You may only check if lost dogs are at the pound, or pick up impounded dogs during the weekend or after-hours if you have made a prior appointment with an Animal Control Officer. Please contact the Council on 0800 920 029 if you need to arrange an appointment.
Website: http://www.fndc.govt.nz
Or click below to go specifically the dog section of the fndc.co.nz site...http://www.fndc.govt.nz/redirect.asp?url=animalsinsectspestsw/dogs/index.htm
Franklin District Council (dogs only)
(Remember there are other council areas in greater Auckland including Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Papakura and Franklin. It is worth checking them ALL as your dog might be at any one of them. Luckily, it is a bit easier in that Waitakere and North Shore share facilities and physical locations.)
Shelter Address: 7A Glasgow Road, Pukekohe.
Phone: (09) 09 237 1300
Office location: 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe
Postal address - Private Bag 5, Pukekohe
Gisborne District Council (only dogs in Animal shelters, no cats)
Main Office: Fitzherbert St, PO Box 747, Gisborne.
Phone: 06 867 2049 Fax: 06 863 1609 Mobile: 025 633 854
Te Puia Service Centre - Main Road Te Puia.
Phone: 06 864 6853 Fax: 06 864 6727
Animal Control Shelters:
157 Canarvon Street: Fifteen pens, one exercise yard
Te Puia Springs: State Highway 35. Four pens
Stock Pounds:
Gisborne: 19 Main Road, Makaraka
Riverpoint Road: Matawhero
Te Karaka: Corner State Highway 2 & Whatatutu Road
Te Puia Springs: Te Puia Springs - State Highway 35
8 holding paddocks throughout the district that are used for droving mobs - can be used as temporary stock pounds. Cattle, horses, pigs, sheep etc in Stock pounds - no cats
SPCA Animal Haven: Riverpoint Road - Cats and dogs
Phone: 06 867 9463 Fax: 06 867 9462 Mobile: 025 242 5316
Gore District Council (mainly for dogs, some other animals)
Council Pound: Grasslands Rd, Gore.
Administered by Council, PO Box 8, Gore.
Phone: 03 208 9080. Fax 03 208 9087
Website: http://www.goredc.govt.nz
The Pound is used mainly for dogs
Grey District Council (dogs only)
105 Tainui Street, Greymouth.
Phone: 03 768-1706. Contact Murray Malloch 027 437 5452.
Postal: PO Box 382 Greymouth.
website: www.greydc.govt.nz e-mail : murraym@greydc.govt.nz
Contact Murray to view the Pound please. We only deal with dogs.
The SPCA does not have any affiliation with Council but for your information their telephone number is 768-5223 and their address is 34 Gresson Street, Greymouth.
Hamilton City Council
Animal Care and Control Centre: 217 - 219 Ellis St. Frankton. Hamilton.
Hours: 7 days a week, 12.30am - 4.30pm. Closed on statutory holidays.
Phone Numbers:
Dog registration - 838 6633
Requests for service and general enquiries - 838 6632
Impounded, lost and found dogs, and adoption enquiries - 838 6664
Website: http://hamilton.co.nz/page/pageid/2145827171. HCC actually advertise their pups and dogs for adoption. GOOD ON THEM. See their pups and dogs for adoption online and happy ending stories from the Hamilton Animal Care and Control Centre.
See also Waikato District Council for their details and pound based in Ngaruawahia.
Hastings District Council
Pound: Stevens Place (turn left off Omahu Road on Henderson Road, then first left on Stevens Place).
Hours Monday-Friday 9.00-10.00am and 3.30-4.30pm, Saturday 9.00-10.00am
Closed: Sundays & Public Holidays
After Hours Emergencies. Phone 878 0500
Hutt City Council
Hutt Council Animal Control Centre: 21 Meachen St, Seaview, Lower Hutt.
Phone: 04 570 6666. Fax 04 567 2004. Email contact@huttcity.govt.nz Hours: For Customer Call Centre and Main Administration Building, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
For Animal Control Centre, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) 8.00 am to 9.00 am, 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm and 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm, Saturday 12-1pm, Sunday 12-1pm.
In an emergency outside these hours call the After Hours Emergency Number. 04 567 2003.
Invercargill City Council (dogs and stock)
Invercargill City Council Animal Control Section: 101 Esk St, Invercargill.
Phone: 03 2111 777. Fax: 03 2111 430.
Email: icchelp@icc.govt.nz
Website: http://www.icc.govt.nz
Hours: For Civic Administration Building, Monday to Friday (except
public holidays) from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.
For all after-hours, holiday and emergency calls, please call the
Invercargill City Council Water Tower ph 03 2111 679.
Kapiti Coast District Council (dogs only)
Kapiti Coast District Council Animal Control: Main Council Buildings, 175 Rimu Rd, Paraparaumu. Private Bag 601, Paraparaumu.
Phone: 8 - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (04) 904 5700 9 (call centre).
After hours 027 2406830
Website: www.kapiticoast.govt.nz
Email: ani.mcmanaway@kapiticoast.govt.nz
Hours: We have a main pound based in Paraparaumu. Please phone the call centre 904 5700 or cellphone 027 2406830 to arrange an appointment with Animal Control staff.
Dogs are also available for adoption, we welcome your enquiry.
Manawatu District Council
Pound: 16 Awa Street, Fielding.
Private Bag 10-001, Fielding.
Phone (06) 323 0000 Fax (06) 323 8711
Manukau City Council (also covers Papakura Animal Management Shelter)
Animal and Stock Pound 33 McLaughlin's Road, Manukau City.
Phone: (09) 279 5959
Hours: 1000 - 1700 weekdays. 1100 - 1500 weekends & Statutory Holidays
(was previously in Ardmore Quarry Rd, but moved on July 1 2002 when the Manukau City Council and Papakura Animal Management Shelter were combined and re located to the above address. )
NB: Remember there are other council areas in greater Auckland including Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Papakura and Franklin. It is worth checking them ALL as your dog might be at any one of them. Luckily, it is a bit easier in that Waitakere and North Shore share facilities and physical locations and as of July 1 2002, so do Manukau and Papakura.
Marlborough District Council
Location: 22 Alfred Street Blenheim. PO Box 1016, Blenheim
Phone: (03) 520 9033. Fax (03) 577 9259. Mobile: 025 301-815 (only in New Zealand).
Email: animalcontrol@xtra.co.nz
Masterton District Council
District Pound: Ngaumutawa Rd, Masterton
Phone: 06 378 9666
Email: pound@mstn.govt.nz
Hours Mon -Fri 8-9am 3.30-4.30pm. Weekends and holidays 9 -10am.
Dog Control phone 06 378 9666. After Hours 06 378 7752. Email: dogcontrol@mstn.govt.nz
Matamata - Piako District Council
Matamata Office: PO Box 14 Matamata.
Phone 07 881 9050
Morrinsville Office: PO Box 45 Morrinsville
Phone: 07 889 8000
Napier City Council
Napier City Council Pound Ph 06 835 7579
Napier City Council publishes very brief details of impounded dogs on their website (but hey at least they do it, very very few pounds do use the internet this way, sadly, so good on them!).
New Plymouth District Council (dogs and stock only)
Pound location: Rifle Range Road New Plymouth.
Phone: 06-7575470 only on hours listed below, otherwise phone New Plymouth City Council.
Hours Attended 1600 to 1700 hours. Monday to Friday only. Dogs only at pound with any other types of creatures held at other locations in district.
E-mail enquiries: npdc.govt.nz
New Plymouth District Council Animal Control: Private Bag 2025 New Plymouth.
Phone: 06-7596060. Fax 06-7596118.
North Shore City Council
Animal Welfare Centre: 48 The Concourse, Henderson.
(Shared facility with North Shore City Council)
The Concourse is located adjacent to the Lincoln Road on ramp of the North Western motorway. Number 48 is about one km along The Concourse, on the left hand side.
Phone: 486 6090
Hours Monday -Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm. Saturday* 11am - noon. Sunday* 11am - 1pm
*During the weekend opening hours you can view dogs for adoption, check if lost dogs are at the pound, and pick up impounded dogs. It is, however, recommended that you visit the Centre during the week if possible as it can get very busy during the weekend.
(Remember there are other council areas in greater Auckland including Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Papakura and Franklin. It is worth checking them all as your dog might be at any one of them. Luckily, it is a bit easier in that Waitakere and North Shore share facilities and physical locations.)
Palmerston North City Council
City Pound: Totara Rd (off Maxwells Line)
Phone: The direct line to the pound during these hours is 354 2380.
Hours: 12.30-1.30pm Monday to Friday.
Papakura City Council (dogs only)(Facility now combined with Manukau City)
Shelter address: 33 McLaughlin's Road, Manukau City
Phone: (09) 279 5959
Hours: 1000 - 1700 weekdays. 1100 - 1500 weekends & Statutory Holidays
From July 1 2002 The Manukau City Council and Papakura Animal Management Shelter were combined and re located to the above address.
(Remember there are other council areas in greater Auckland including Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Papakura and Franklin. It is worth checking them all as your dog might be at any one of them. Luckily, it is a bit easier in that Waitakere and North Shore share facilities and physical locations.)
Queenstown Lakes District Council (Dogs only, no cats)
Pounds: Queenstown - Phone 025 859 302 Wanaka - Phone 025 229 5906
Or contact Queenstown Lakes District Council on phone: 441 0499
email: service@qldc.govt.nz
Website: www.qldc.govt.nz
Rodney District Council (Dogs and Stock only)
Dog and Stock Pounds: The council does not have any dog pounds as it uses private kennels. Stock Pounds are located at Silverdale and Huapai.
Office: 50 Centreway Road Orewa or Private Bag 500 Orewa.
Phone: 0800 426 5169
(Remember there are other council areas in greater Auckland including Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Papakura and Franklin. It is worth checking them all as your dog might be at any one of them. Luckily, it is a bit easier in that Waitakere and North Shore share facilities and physical locations.)
Ruapehu District Council
Pound: 210 State Highway 30, Horohoro (approx 200m on right past District Council Landfill)
Office - open business hours
1061 Haupapa St, Rotorua
Phone: 3484199 a/h 3484195
Email kevin.coutts@rdc.govt.nz
Southland District Council (dogs only)
The Southland District Council operates 1 animal pound and currently has 7 impounding areas for dogs (one of which is the SPCA). We do not impound cats. All pounds can be contacted through our main office and once the ownership of an animal is established and all impounding fees are paid it may be released. All enquiries are dealt with through any of our offices.
Southland District Council numbers:
Invercargill 03 2187259, 03 2149707, 03 2149745 Winton 03 2367291 Riverton 03 2348508 |
Stewart Island 03 2191049 Te Anau 03 2497178 Lumsden 03 2487307 Wyndham 03 2064330 |
e-mail dogs@southlanddc.govt.nz
Website http://www.southlanddc.govt.nz/
Tararua District Council
Pound Locations:
Woodville Dog Pound: Station Street, WOODVILLE. Dogs only
Dannevirke Animal Pound: Easton Street, DANNEVIRKE. Dogs and stock,
this is a shared facility with the Dannevirke and Districts SPCA, who cater for cats.
PO Box 115 Dannevirke.
Phone: Tararua District Council Animal Control 06 374 4080. Fax 06 374 41
Tauranga City Council (dogs only)
Animal Care Centre: 88 Hewletts Road Mount Maunganui. We accommodate dogs only.
The Tauranga SPCA has a dog, cats and other animal’s facility at Alach Street Greerton
Phone: 577 7000 for any enquiries.
Hours: 3.30 - 4.30 pm Monday to Friday.
Upper Hutt Council (dogs and livestock only)
Dog Pound: Mangaroa Hill Road, Upper Hutt.
Phone: 04 526 9850
Hours: 5:00pm and 7:00pm Monday to Friday and 12:00noon to 2:00pm Saturday.
Outside these hours the pound is not staffed, however you may contact an Animal Control Officer, Mon - Fri between 8.00am and 4.30pm on 04 5272169. Or for emergencies only outside those hours.
Waikato District Council
Waikato District Council
15 Galileo St, (Private Bag 544)
Phone: 07 824 8633 fax: 07 824 8091
Pound: Brownlee Avenue, Ngaruawahia
Hours: pen Mon - Fri 09:00 to 10:00. Weekends by appointment
Phone: 824 5742
Adoptions welcome! Cats go to RNZSPCA Waikato Branch
See also Hamilton City Council for their animal welfare shelter based in Hamilton.
Waipa District Council (dogs and livestock only, no cats)
Waipa District Council Animal Control
Private Bag 2402
Te Awamutu
Ph 0800 WAIPADC (0800 924 723)
Email: info@waipadc.govt.nz
All enquiries re: animals to be made to the Council offices - pounds are not staffed.
Kihikihi Pound (which houses dogs picked up from Te Awamutu and surrounds)
Location: Leslie Street, Kihikihi
Phone: (07) 871 7133 (Te Awamutu office)
Animal Control Officer: David Lee
Cambridge Pound (which houses dogs picked up from Cambridge and surrounds)
Location: Matos Segedin Drive, Cambridge
Phone: (07) 827 6033 (Cambridge office)
Animal Control Officer: Helen McLean
Please note there are only dogs and livestock housed at these pounds. We do not have any involvement with cats.
Waitakere District Council
Animal Welfare Centre: 48 The Concourse, Henderson.
(Shared facility with North Shore City Council)
The Concourse is located adjacent to the Lincoln Road on ramp of the North Western motorway. Number 48 is about one km along The Concourse, on the left hand side.
Phone: 836-7777, Fax 8367776.
Opening Office Hours: Week days 8.30 am - 4.30 pm, Saturday & Sunday 11.00 am - 2.00 pm Opening Kennel Hours: Week days 10.30 am - 4.15 pm, Saturday/Sunday 11.00 am - 2.00 pm
*During the weekend opening hours you can view dogs for adoption, check if lost dogs are at the pound, and pick up impounded dogs. It is, however, recommended that you visit the Centre during the week if possible as it can get very busy during the weekend.
Website: www.waitakere.govt.nz
NB: Remember there are other council areas in greater Auckland including Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, Rodney, Papakura and Franklin. It is worth checking them ALL as your dog might be at any one of them. Luckily, it is a bit easier in that Waitakere and North Shore share facilities and physical locations and as of July 1 2002, so do Manukau and Papakura.
Waitomo District Council
Dog Pound: Gadsby Rd, Te Kuiti
Stock Pound: The Esplanade, Te Kuiti.
Waitomo Dog Control: Contact Rod McLeod Phone 878 8476, cellphone 025 830 569.
Wanganui District Council
Dog pound: Ridgeway St
Hours: 12-1 3.30 - 4.30
Wellington City Council (dogs only)
(Please note there are seven councils in Wellington - Wellington, Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt, Porirua, Kapiti, South Wairarapa, Carterton and Masterton.)
Wellington Pound: 73 Moa Point Road, Kilbirnie.
Phone: 04 388 8212, Fax: 04 388 8321
Postal Address: Wellington City Council Animal Control Unit, P O Box 2199, Wellington.
Phone: 04 801 3881, Fax 04 801 3100
Website: www.wcc.govt.nz
Westland District Council (dogs only)
Pound: Hokitika Airport. The office is at 36 Weld Street, Hokitika.
Private Bag 704, Hokitika.
Phone 03 755 8321. Rangers phone 03 755 6443 or 025 780 475
Email council@westlanddc.govt.nz
web site www.westlanddc.govt.nz
Whangarei District Council (all animals - except cats)
Whangarei Office and Pound |
Kaipara District Pound |

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