美食节评选还剩一周 这些上榜菜品你吃了没?
日期:2019-09-03 16:32 阅读: 来源:天维网编译
为期一个月的2019惠灵顿美食节(Wellington On a Plate,简称WOAP)日前落下帷幕。在刚刚过去的8月,你是否在惠灵顿的大街小巷大快朵颐。精美的西餐,新颖的汉堡,创意的美酒……让惠灵顿的8月“唇齿留香”~
本周,今年惠灵顿美食节的获奖名单即将公布,今年共设有Dine Wellington、Garage Project presents Burger Wellington, 以及Cocktail Wellington三个类别,每个类别有5名最终入围选手。
今年,有两款甜点入围了Dine Wellington组别,还有一款来自马丁堡的汉堡入围了Burger Wellington,同时,今年还首次引入了素汉堡的评选。
WOAP活动的主管Sarah Meikle表示,“今年的美食节让我们看到了更开放的心态,比如喜欢肉食的人愿意去尝试一些素食,高端餐厅和休闲餐厅完美结合,今年还有甜品进入了正餐类别的决赛,以往这都是传统的午餐或者晚餐的天下……”
Dine Wellington奖项:
菜品:"Sea, Land, Sky" - Freedom Farm confit pork belly, caramelised salmon, tea-soaked quail egg, green apple kimchi, Vietnamese herbs, shallots with pork crackling
地址:122 Wakefield Street 电话:04 499 2999
菜品:Smoked black bean and corn hushpuppy tostadas with Zany Zeus smoked brinza, tomatillo salsa verde, Wellington Chocolate Factory mole foam, Shoots NZ microgreens, gunpowder rum-soaked and burnt limes and agave chilli toasted seeds
餐厅:Arborist Rooftop Bar & Eatery
地址 :166 Willis St, Wellington, Te Aro 电话 :04 931 6161
菜品:"Cassola" - baked Zany Zeus ricotta and orange zest souffle served with marmalade and chocolate sauce
餐厅:Field & Green
地址:262 Wakefield Street, Te Aro 电话:(04) 384 4992
菜品:"The Egg" - Whittaker's white chocolate coconut mousse, passionfruit curd, mango banana mint coulis served with Zany Zeus lemon creme fraiche, hazelnut dacquoise and kataifi.
Wholesale Boot Company (WBC)菜品Aromatic master stock braised beef short rib, sizzling choy sum, fragrant Waikanae crab fried rice
餐厅:Grace Patisserie
地址:6/100 Tory Street, Te Aro
Cocktail Wellington 鸡尾酒奖项
饮品:"Artemis" - A savoury espresso martini with vodka, coffee liqueur and chocolate bitters, accompanied by candied bacon and marshmallow
餐厅:Charley Noble
地址:Ground Floor, Huddart Parker Bdg, Post Office Square
电话:0508 242 753
饮品:"Salt Cream Acid Bubbles" - Pavlova-inspired cocktail using house-made spiced rum, peach, cream and egg whites, topped with salt and vinegar flavoured bubbles, accompanied by a classic chip and mayonnaise sandwich
餐厅 :Hanging Ditch
地址:14 Leeds St, Te Aro 电话:04 803 3566
饮品:"You Had Me at Heihei" - Fourteen-year-old rum, gunpowder rum, pineapple and mandarin shrub with house cream of coconut, burnt, rum-soaked lime, smoked cinnamon and grated nutmeg, accompanied by Lulu's fried heihei pops
地址:31 Courtenay Pl, Te Aro 电话:04 801 8867
饮品:"Schmoke and a Pancake" - Mānuka-smoked maple and walnut Old Fashioned, combining New Zealand mānuka wood-smoke with bourbon, maple syrup and house-made walnut bitters, accompanied by 'Old Zealand' Dutch pancakes served with maple syrup and candied walnuts
地址:107 Customhouse Quay, Wellington CBD
电话:04 801 8858
饮品:"One Night in Bangkok" - Lighthouse gin, Six Barrel Soda kaffir lime, pineapple and lemongrass syrup, lime and lemongrass foam, topped with a crispy pineapple wafer and a pineapple and chilli liquid sphere, accompanied by barbecued kaffir lime prawn and chilli pineapple skewers
餐厅:The Crab Shack
地址:Shed 5, SHED 5, QUEENS WHARF, Te Aro
电话:04 916 4250
Garage Project presents Burger Wellington奖项
汉堡:"Surf & Turf" - Wagyu beef patty with tiger prawns, braised Wagyu brisket, egg sheet, spicy Vietnamese salad, garlic noir mayo, crackling and XO salt in a turmeric milk bun, with numbing crisps and nahn-jim mayo. Matched with Garage Project Kuro - Japanese-inspired black lager
地址:122 Wakefield Street 电话:04 499 2999
汉堡:"The Coalition" - prime Angus beef with 'red' onion, 'green' jalapenos, 'black' garlic, boozy cheese sauce and pickles in a potato bun, with thick cut fries. Matched with Garage Project Bliss - Backyard Lager
餐厅:Bellamy's by Logan Brown
地址:The Beehive Wellington, Pipitea
电话:04 8179678
汉堡:"Prawn Underbelly" - king prawn toast with caramelised pork belly, Asian pickles, house-made sweet chilli dressing in a sesame and buttermilk bun with toffee crackling and Sichuan pepper fries. Matched with Garage Project Hapi Daze - Pacific Pale Ale
餐厅:Cafe Medici
地址:9 Kitchener St, Martinborough 电话:06 306 9965
汉堡:"Lucy's Got Dragon Breath" - bacon and cheddar stuffed beef patty with chicken-fried onion rings, dill pickles, American cheese, cheddar mayonnaise, barbecue sauce in a milk bun, with homemade barbecue kettle fries and onion dip. Matched with Garage Project Bliss - backyard lager
餐厅:Leroy's Bar
地址:2 Plimmer steps , Lambton Quay 电话:04 472 6886
汉堡:"Jacked Up" - barbecued jackfruit seitan rib with coleslaw, potato chips and house-made butter and aioli on a brioche bun
餐厅:Sweet Release
地址:134 Willis St, CBD
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